A downloadable homebrew stuff

I'm still challenging myself to make a game related project every month this year. For July I decided to try out a different path and make some homebrew content for D&D 5e based on some long standing ideas I've had in my head. It was an interesting challenge to mod a traditional game and it was a really fun change of pace.

For once it was nice for the bulk of the project time to be spent researching - how races are made in D&D 5e, how to balance them, what makes for a fun or flavourful race. Once those aspects had been covered it was also great to just flex my writing muscles a bit as well.

I've had a few people look them over and they say they're possibly underbalanced, if anything, but primarily for me they capture the essence of the People and the world that I have, on and off, been nurturing for a very long time.

Fun fact: quite a few of my Bitsy games have some reference to this setting.

Thanks to @awesomonster and @NotRobSheridan for their support, encouragement and proof reading!

Pages were formatted in the awesome Homebrewery - a really cool editor that makes it look and feel super professional!


HomebrewD&DRaces v0.1.zip 5.6 MB

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